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Hidden deep in the forest where shadows mingle with sunlight, lies the wild and mystical land of Förhäxa. The heroes and villains, spirits and sprites, mermaids and magic that make up this deck are inspired by the traditional Rider Waite Smith tarot, Norse folktales, fairy lore, and the elemental powers of nature. The Swedish word förhäxa means "to enchant, cast a spell, or bedevil," and this deck does just that, drawing in readers with its earthy, richly detailed illustrations on the cards and mystical messages in the guidebook.

  • Margaux Jones (AKA MJ) is an award-winning Seattle-based artist, writer, mother, and lover of all things magical - especially crows. Nature and its creatures are a familiar theme in MJ's work, however having grown up south of Boston her collages are heavily influenced by the energy of the city. Her work often merges the two worlds.