❤️ Fall in Love with Something Special, for That Someone Special This Valentine's Day ❤️ ❤️ Fall in Love with Something Special, for That Someone Special This Valentine's Day ❤️

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You guys are amazing.  The words of encouragement and support all weekend have been... something else.  I don't even know the right words.

I sent that email and immediately shut off my phone and went to see my therapist.  Like dropping a bomb and running away.  I came back to more than 50 texts- in ONE HOUR- and they just grew from there.  Plus instagram.  And emails.  I am slowly working my way through answering everyone, because it's important to me to not be distracted and be as thoughtful as you are.  You guys are just the best.  

✨ We are all feeling very loved. Thank you. ✨

Here is the promised second email, letting you know what changes to expect. I hate every single one.  But they are all necessary.  Nobody can say we didn't go down swinging.



So what does it all mean? 

· There is a section in the store for the “Alair Garage Sale”. These aren’t on our website and we can’t deliver or ship. But we need to make some space and hopefully have less to sell off if we do need to close (we’ve accumulated a TON of things in 6 years). These things are non-refundable and all sold as is. It’s largely going to be furniture and other home goods that we use for merchandising. Feel free to holler if there’s something you’ve had your eye on (bets on how quickly the round shelf goes?). We will also continue to add more as we sort through things - so keep checking back if you're interested.

· We are going to start cutting our inventory and thus, our reorders. Ordering replacement items isn’t as easy as ordering that one Schitts Creek mug. There are minimums for wholesale- for items and total orders. We can’t hold as much of the “back-up” inventory moving forward- if we close, it's all just going to be more to sell. I know that sucks for the holidays, but it sucks worse if Alair isn’t here next year (for me at least). So this year, please purchase when you see it- especially if there is something that you know you won't be able to stop thinking about.

· On that same note- unfortunately, the effect of that will be that we cut back on makers as well. I have always and will continue to prioritize makers that hit our target price range and are either:  female-owned, locally-owned, minority-owned, and/or give-back in some way—and especially to those makers that have been loyal besties with Alair.  I'm slowly making my way through the huge ass inventory list, and discontinued items are in the clearance section. 

· Local delivery started again on Saturday!  If you use an express pay option (Apple Pay, pay pal express) they do not let you choose in-store pickup or local delivery. That’s their policy- since people can dispute charges for those, they need to have tracking numbers. Definitely still use them if you want: but just letting you know why that happens. 

· We (and every other small business) are short-staffed and are going to have to stay that way. MY POINT IS: Please be patient. It’s really hard being a human right now. I have had a total of 8 days off since March 2020. Sometimes it literally takes me 2 months to answer emails. All of us and you and everyone in the world* are doing the best they can. The Alair staff is crushing it on the floor, but we are running super lean. We are trying. Every single person in the shop busts their ass during every single shift. Please don’t leave bad reviews if you have to wait. Please be patient.

· In relation to that: we are also going to keep our open hours pretty limited through November. We are still there daily shipping orders- and if our limited hours aren’t working for you, the website is 100% updated!


P.S. We currently carry hundreds of small makers.  And a lot of them have become my actual friends over the years.  This weekend they've placed orders.  They've texted.  They've tried to send me free product when they are also figuring shit out after the pandemic. They are amazing.  Nothing feels as good as supporting the people that support you.  So much love and gratitude to y'all.  You have my love and devotion forever ever.



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